Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sarah Townsend
October 13, 2023
(5 mins read)
Women's health

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Everything you need to know about saving your boobies!

Hello Kiira Friends, October is breast cancer awareness month and we are here to shed some light on some things you need to know so let's dive in.

Breast Cancer sees no limits and no color, gender, or ethnicity. It is essential to understand the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer. This article will provide the symptoms, risks, and tricks for early detection.

There are different forms of breast cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is when a lump is found in the breast or bloody discharge from the nipple, and changes in the shape or texture of the breast or nipple occur in women and rarely in men. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers known. It is a rapid division of abnormal breast cells that form masses of lumps in the breast. Also, remember that cancer can start in the breast and spread rapidly to lymph nodes and other body parts.

There are different stages of breast cancer:

Stage 0: Cancer cells are present in the ducts, but they were detected early and have not spread to lymph nodes or other breast parts.

Stage 1: A tumor presented that is not larger than 2 centimeters and may not have spread to the lymph nodes.

Stage 2: In stage 2, the tumor presented is more significant than 2 centimeters and has spread to the lymph nodes. 

Stage 3: In stage 3, the tumor is more significant than 4 centimeters and has spread to multiple lymph nodes, the breast tissue, and the bones of the breast.

Stage 4: Stage 4 is when the cancer has metastasized and spread to other body parts, for example, the bones, lungs, or liver. Stage 4 is an advanced stage of cancer called metastatic breast cancer.

What are the symptoms and stages of breast cancer?

The first and most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump found in the breast or the armpit. Other symptoms of breast cancer can include but are not limited to the swelling of the breast or chest, the nipple appearance, which can look like peeling skin, discharge, and a deformed or inverted nipple. There can also be irritation, rashes, redness, and significant changes in the shape and size of the breast. Please note that some tenderness can be due to your menstrual cycle, but remember that if you have any concerns, you can schedule a consultation with your doctor.

How to reduce the risk of breast cancer

  • Become physically active at least two to three times a week for at least 30 minutes a day. Which also helps with boosting your dopamine and serotonin and lowers your risk of other serious health issues.

  • Limit your alcohol consumption and avoid smoking. If you smoke, please try to quit because it is never too late to change your health.

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes adding more vegetables and fruits, cutting back on starchy foods, and taking your vitamins. Please consult your doctor regarding a new diet and vitamin regimen.

  • Regular self-screening of your breast is very important for early detection. Self-screening does not cancel out mammograms! 

  • Don’t Forget Mammograms! Mammograms are essential for the screening of breast cancer. Mammograms save lives if found in the early stages. Mammograms are recommended yearly for women 40 or over with no history of cancer. Women with a cancer history in their family are advised to start speaking with their doctor at 30.

  • Finding out your family medical history will help with lower or higher chances of cancer. For example, if your mother or sister had breast cancer, then it is more than likely you have the risk of having breast cancer. The best step is to find your family history and consult a medical provider.

Here are some tips to help lower your risk of breast cancer. Suppose you have any questions and want to speak with one of our providers. Please schedule your next appointment here.

How to give support to someone you love dealing with breast cancer

Most people are susceptible to disclosing their medical history with family and friends. With the subject of cancer, it is even more challenging to discuss this sensitive topic and, most importantly, physically exhausting to deal with alone.  Your loved ones need physical and emotional support during this time. Material support can look like cooking meals, helping with errands, picking up children from school, and being there physically can also make a difference. The best question you can ask is, “ Can I cook a meal for you?” instead of, “Is there anything I can do for you?”. Stating what you can do for them can make them more inclined to accept the help. Emotional support can allow the person dealing with this battle to face all their emotions with support instead of feeling alone. You can cry with them, laugh with each other, and have conversations to discuss what they are going through. Just trying to figure out the best solution for your loved one not to feel alone in their battle with breast cancer, you guys will be able to overcome this difficult time. 


Survival Rates of breast cancer

Due to the advances in medical technology, the survival rates of breast cancer have significantly improved in the United States. Due to the advancement of early detection and mammograms, we have been able to stop breast cancer before it can even get started. We are moving towards a future where everyone can be a survivor of breast cancer. Please let us all do our part in supporting research to help advance healthcare.